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Music Producer

I am a multi instrumentalist and have been playing on and off for about 30 years. I've never played live and only ever had limited success writing and recording soundtracks for Movies about 20 years ago.

3 years ago health issues left me unable to work. Since then I've been producing music, partly as a form of therapy to keep me positive and cheerful.

I've adopted Logic Pro X, Mixcraft, Pro Tools & Audacity as my tools of choice and can highly recommend Mixcraft to everyone as they've really up'd their game.

I love most types of music and have a strong passion for Electronic/ Dubstep/Reggae, Rock & Funk and love creating fusions that uplift and soothe the savage beast. I make most of my own samples where possible but also make use of the incredible content available to all. Everything I create is 100% my own original music.


Peace to all!!

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